Press Releases

Blankenbush Speaks Out Against 45 Percent Thruway Toll Hike

Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C-Black River) spoke out against the proposed 45 percent toll increase on trucks with three or more axles at a recent public hearing before the Thruway Authority Board in Syracuse. Blankenbush emphasized that the increase...

Blankenbush: Recharge NY Keeps Paying It Forward With Job Growth

Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C-Black River) is pleased to announce that the second round of ReCharge NY contract agreements has been awarded. The assemblyman, who helped enact the program during his first year in office, said it will offer low-cost...

Blankenbush: Albany Heading Down Brighter Path

“When I first arrived in Albany, it was an entirely different place – rife with dysfunction, gridlock and wastefulness. Now, New York’s government is heading down a much better path and more able to serve its many hardworking families. “We...

Blankenbush Stands Up Against Cyber-bullies

“Bullying doesn’t just stay in the schoolyard, it’s ever pervasive now with social media and available technology, and our children get little reprieve from constant harassment. That’s why New York’s laws need to be current and officially recognize...

Blankenbush: Budget Is Done, Still More Work Ahead

Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C-Black River) today outlined his priorities for the remainder of the legislative session now that the budget has been passed and signed into law. The assemblyman noted that many important steps were taken in the budget,...

Blankenbush Secures Critical Ag, Economic Development Funding In State Budget

“Today, we’ve passed the first early budget in nearly 30 years, while keeping spending low and enacting some important reforms. I am pleased by how open and transparent the process has been for legislators and the public. Most importantly, during...

Blankenbush Says $164 Million In Extra Revenue Should Go To Rural School Aid, Not Political Pork

In response to talk of newfound revenues and a potential surplus in state tax collections, Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C-Black River) is calling for any extra state revenues to be dedicated to restoring school aid to upstate rural, low-wealth school...

Blankenbush Sticks Up For St. Lawrence County Residents In Opposition To Divisive Redistricting Plan

Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C-Black River) stood up for St. Lawrence County residents in opposition of the redistricting lines that were drawn for state Assembly and Senate seats. The assemblyman said that residents and local officials raised serious...

Blankenbush Votes ‘No’ On Majority’s Budget, Says It’s Missing Taxpayer Protections

“Albany politicians are clearly favoring New York City special interests over our hardworking Upstate families. Their budget lacks basic reforms such as a spending cap, government consolidation and pension reform. “Their ‘plan’ spends our tax...

Blankenbush: Brian Peck Joining My Team

Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C-Black River) has announced that Brian Peck will join his Assembly office as Chief of Staff. Peck has been employed as Operations Director for State Senator Patty Ritchie. “Brian’s knowledge of agriculture, business...

Blankenbush on the Executive Budget Proposal

“Today begins the countdown to April 1, the day the state budget is due; but, as they did last year, state leaders and the Legislature have the tools to work together to pass a responsible, on-time budget. I’ll inspect Governor Cuomo’s proposed...

It’s Time To End Albany’s Clichés

When I first joined the Assembly, I had many assumptions about Albany politics – that it is beholden to special interests, mired in political gridlock and, well, just plain ineffective on resolving the serious problems faced by our state. Albany’s...

Assemblyman Blankenbush, Superintendents Meet With Education Commissioner On School Aid Formula

Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush met with Dr. John B. King, Commissioner of Education, yesterday at a meeting in Utica organized by Senator Joe Griffo to express his concerns with the current school aid formula. The Assemblyman was joined by superintendents...

Blankenbush Fighting For Fair Treatment Of North Country Interests

“There has been a historical divide between upstate and downstate, and I believe that if we all work together we can bridge this gap for the benefit of Northern New York. It’s time for Albany to step up and truly meet the needs of all New Yorkers,...

Blankenbush Praises Winning “Transformational Vision” Of North Country Economic Development Plan

Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River) today praised the North Country Regional Economic Development Council (NCREDC) for its transformational vision of economic rebirth throughout the seven-county region. The NCREDC’s “Transformational”...

Blankenbush Vote Gives North Country Families Tax Breaks

“While the middle-income tax cuts are a nice boost for many North Country families, I am concerned that New York still has not learned how to control its spending. Now we need to go a step further, and make a serious effort to reform and reduce spending...

Blankenbush Commends Small Business Assistance Programs, But Cautions Larger Economic Stumbling Blocks Remain

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Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River), a member of the Assembly Small Business Committee, recently attended an economic development hearing in Albany where much of the discussion centered on the available economic development and support programs...

Blankenbush Expresses Concerns With Recent Board of Regents Mandates

Coming on the heels of an announcement by the Board of Regents that students in grades 3 through 8 will now be required to take a four-hour reading exam, Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush has written a letter to the Chancellor of the Board of Regents, expressing...

Assemblyman Blankenbush Presents Proclamation to Sandy Creek Central School

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Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush yesterday presented Sandy Creek Central School with a proclamation from the New York State Assembly in honor of the school’s New York Statewide and Regional Employer Recognition Award. Sandy Creek was recognized among all...

Assemblyman Blankenbush Collecting Winter Coats

Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush announced today that he will be collecting donations of winter coats, hats, gloves, mittens and scarves at his district office, 15 Bridge Street, West Carthage. The Assemblyman will then be donating the items to the St. James...