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A09448 Summary:

COSPNSRRamos, Norris, DeStefano, Smith, Clark, McDonald, Shimsky, Dickens, Shrestha, Bronson, Meeks, Santabarbara, Hevesi, Lunsford, Dinowitz, Simon, Angelino, Smullen, Morinello, McDonough, Bendett, Brown K, Gallahan, Lemondes, Walsh
Amd 81.14, Ment Hyg L
Provides that court records in a proceeding under articles 77, 78 and 81 of the mental hygiene law shall not be perused, examined, disclosed, taken or copied by any other person than a party, the attorney or counsel of a party, the guardian, the court evaluator or the court examiner except by order of the court.
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A09448 Actions:

03/14/2024referred to judiciary
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A09448 Memo:

submitted in accordance with Assembly Rule III, Sec 1(f)
  TITLE OF BILL: An act to amend the mental hygiene law, in relation to disclosure of the records of court proceedings   PURPOSE: This legislation would limit access to the court records in Article 81 Guardianship proceedings.   SUMMARY OF PROVISIONS: Section 1. Amends subdivision (b) of Section 81.14 of the Mental Hygiene Law to provide that the court records in a oroceeding under Article 81 Guardianship proceeding shall not be perused, examined, disclosed, taken or copied by any other person than a party, the attorney or counsel of a party, the guardian, the court evaluator or the court examiner except by order of the court. Also subdivision (d) of Section 81.14 of the Mental Hygiene Law is amended to remove the requirement of the courts to inform the allegedly incapacitated person of his or her right to request that the court records be sealed at the time of the commencement of the hear- ing. Section 2. Applicability. The obligation of a County Clerk to limit access to the records of proceedings occurring prior to the effective date of this act shall only be limited to the extent that a County Clerk can readily identify the records of proceedings to which this act applies. A court may also limit access to the records of proceedings had prior to the effective date hereof in accordance with this act, which shall not abridge the court's authority to further restrict access for good cause shown pursuant to any other law or rule. Section 3. Provides for an immediate effective date.   JUSTIFICATION: Currently, court records of Article 81 Guardianship proceedings are available for public inspection and contain significant amounts of personal information which may be used to gain access to and control of an incapacitated person's financial assets. With the ever-increasing risk and reports of identity theft, it is necessary to limit access to the very information used to perpetrate such crimes will go a long way to protecting those who are unable to protect themselves. The rise of identity theft poses a serious threat to all of us. Some, however, are at greater risk and are unable to readily protect them- selves. Individuals who are disabled mentally and who are unable to manage their affairs are among the most vulnerable to this epidemic. These individuals. are also often the subject of court proceedings instituted for the purpose of appointing someone to manage their personal needs and property. It is the intent of this legislation to impose greater safeguards on personal information in these cases by limiting access to court records in Article 81 Guardianship proceedings. Various statutes are already in place to prevent the disclosure of social security numbers. In addition, the Chief Administrative Judge of the New York State Courts has recently promulgated Uniform Rule Section 202.5(e;(2) which allows the Courts, on their own, to seal "confidential personal information" which includes social security numbers, dates of birth and account numbers, among others. The directive of Public Offi- cers Law Section 96-a which prohibits the County and Court Clerks from the intentional disclosure of social security numbers, places an onerous burden on those clerks to safeguard this information. Under this legislation, access to the court records in an Article 81 proceeding would be in a manner similar to the records in matrimonial actions. In this case, the records would not be available to anyone other than a party, the attorney or counsel of a party, the guardian, the court evaluator or the court examiners except by order of the court. It also seals all records prior to and after the effective date of this amendment. County Clerks will be the officials tasked with complying with this change in the law. Identification of records whose access is, limited. by this amendment can be a burden on those officials where past and present proceedings have not been separately identified as one held under Article 81. To ameliorate the burden that will be placed on County Clerks, their obligation to limit the access to these records should be limited only to the extent that a County Clerk can identify these records. In furtherance of the goals of this legislation to limit access to any and all proceedings past, present and future held under Article 81, a court may also limit access to the records of those proceedings in accordance with this act. Any such action by a court shall not abridge the court's general authority to further restrict access for good cause shown under. any other law or rule. This amendment to the Mental Hygiene Law will go a long way in protect- ing the most vulnerable of our populace and brings greater consistency in the treatment of such sensitive information. This proposal is supported by the New York State Association of County Clerks.   LEGISLATIVE HISTORY: 2021-22: A.4070/S.7044 2019-20: A.6229/S.4835 2018:A.10122A/S.7720B   FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None.   EFFECTIVE DATE: This act shall take effect immediately an shall apply to any and all past, present and future proceedings held pursuant to Article 81 of the Mental Hygiene Law on and after the effective date of this act.
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A09448 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                     March 14, 2024
        Introduced  by  M. of A. THIELE, RAMOS, NORRIS, DeSTEFANO, SMITH -- read
          once and referred to the Committee on Judiciary
        AN ACT to amend the mental hygiene law, in relation to disclosure of the
          records of court proceedings
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  Subdivisions  (b)  and (d) of section 81.14 of the mental
     2  hygiene law, as added by chapter 698 of the laws of 1992, are amended to
     3  read as follows:
     4    (b) [The court shall not enter an order sealing the court records in a
     5  proceeding under this article, either in whole or in part, except upon a
     6  written finding of good cause, which shall specify the grounds  thereof.
     7  In  determining  whether  good  cause  has  been  shown, the court shall
     8  consider the interest of the public,  the  orderly  and  sound  adminis-
     9  tration  of  justice,  the nature of the proceedings, and the privacy of
    10  the person alleged to be incapacitated. Where it  appears  necessary  or
    11  desirable, the court may prescribe appropriate notice and opportunity to
    12  be heard.] Court records in a proceeding under this article shall not be
    13  perused, examined, disclosed, taken or copied by any other person than a
    14  party, the attorney or counsel of a party, the guardian, the court eval-
    15  uator  or the court examiner except by order of the court. Court records
    16  shall include all documents and records of any  nature  filed  with  the
    17  clerk  in  connection  with  the  proceeding. Documents obtained through
    18  disclosure and not filed with the clerk shall remain subject to  protec-
    19  tive orders under the civil practice law and rules.
    20    (d)  At  the  time of the commencement of the hearing, the court shall
    21  inform the allegedly incapacitated person of his or her right to request
    22  for good cause [that the court records be sealed  and]  that  a  person,
    23  persons, or the general public be excluded from the hearing.
    24    §  2. Applicability.  The obligation of a county clerk to limit access
    25  to the records of proceedings occurring prior to the effective  date  of
    26  this  act  shall  only  be limited to the extent that a county clerk can
    27  readily identify the records of proceedings to which this act applies. A
    28  court may also seal or limit access to the records of  proceedings  held
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 9448                             2
     1  prior  to  the  effective date of this act, provided, however, that such
     2  action shall not abridge  the  court's  authority  to  further  restrict
     3  access  for  good  cause  shown pursuant to any other law, regulation or
     4  rule.
     5    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately and shall apply to any and
     6  all  past, present and future proceedings held pursuant to article 81 of
     7  the mental hygiene law on and after the effective date of this act.
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