2001 Yellow Book
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                                      Adjusted         Executive                       
                                 Appropriation           Request                       Percent 
                                       2000-01           2001-02            Change      Change 

  Community Projects Fund            2,200,000                 0        (2,200,000)   -100.00%
  Special Rev.-Fed.                  1,500,000         1,900,000           400,000      26.67%
  Special Rev.-Other                14,656,000        14,656,000                 0       0.00%
  Capital Projects Fund             13,900,000        15,250,000         1,350,000       9.71%
  Clean Water-Clean Air     
    Implementation Fund                117,000           117,000                 0       0.00%
  Total for AGENCY SUMMARY:         32,373,000        31,923,000          (450,000)     -1.39%

  Special Rev.-Fed.                  1,500,000         1,900,000           400,000      26.67%
  Special Rev.-Other                14,656,000        14,656,000                 0       0.00%
  Total for STATE OPERATIONS:       16,156,000        16,556,000           400,000       2.48%

Planning and Operations
  Special Rev.-Fed.                  1,500,000         1,900,000           400,000      26.67%
  Total for Program:                 1,500,000         1,900,000           400,000      26.67%

Research, Development and Demonstration
  Special Rev.-Other                14,656,000        14,656,000                 0       0.00%
  Total for Program:                14,656,000        14,656,000                 0       0.00%

  Community Projects Fund            2,200,000                 0        (2,200,000)   -100.00%
  Total for AID TO LOCALITIES:       2,200,000                 0        (2,200,000)   -100.00%

Communiyt Projects
  Community Projects Fund            2,200,000                 0        (2,200,000)   -100.00%
  Total for Program:                 2,200,000                 0        (2,200,000)   -100.00%

  Capital Projects Fund             13,900,000        15,250,000         1,350,000       9.71%
  Clean Water-Clean Air     
    Implementation Fund                117,000           117,000                 0       0.00%
  Total for CAPITAL PROJECTS:       14,017,000        15,367,000         1,350,000       9.63%

Western New York Nuclear Service Center Program
  Capital Projects Fund             13,900,000       15,250,000          1,350,000       9.71%
  Total for Program:                13,900,000       15,250,000          1,350,000       9.71%

Clean Water/Clean Air Administration
  Clean Water-Clean Air     
    Implementation Fund                117,000         117,000                   0       0.00%
  Total for Program:                   117,000         117,000                   0       0.00%


                         ALL FUNDS PERSONNEL
                        BUDGETED FILL LEVELS
                            Current  Requested
Program                     2000-01    2001-02    Change           

                          BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS
                   (Executive Budget: pp.209-211)

The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) is
responsible for the management of energy research, development and 
demonstration programs which are funded by assessments on gas and electric
utilities. NYSERDA administers Federal grant programs related to energy 
efficiency and issues tax-exempt bonds on behalf of private energy supply
companies for environmental improvements.  The Authority also carries out 
the programmatic and regulatory functions of the former State Energy Office.
In addition, the Authority is the Administrator of the Systems Benefit 
Charge, which was established administratively by the Public Service 
Commission to fund energy, environmental and low-income customer programs.
Finally, NYSERDA manages the former nuclear fuel processing plant at West
Valley in Cattaraugus County and the Malta Rocket Fuel Area Superfund Site
in Saratoga County.  

The Authority is included in the Transportation and Economic Development
appropriation bill.

State Operations

The Executive recommends a Special Revenue Fund-Other appropriation of 
$14,656,000 for the Research, Development and Demonstration Program, which
reflects no change over the SFY 2000-01 the prior year level.  This 
appropriation includes $750,000 for the University of Rochester 
Laboratory for Laser Energetics.  

The Governor proposes a $1,900,000 appropriation in Federal Petroleum
Overcharge Restitutionary (POCR) funds under the Planning and Operations
Program.  This level of funding represents an increase of $400,000.  

Capital Projects

The Governor recommends a Capital Projects appropriation of $15,250,000 
for costs related to the Western New York Nuclear Service Center at West
Valley, an increase of $1,350,000 from State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2000-01. 
This ongoing project entails the vitrification of spent nuclear fuel and
is funded primarily (90 percent) by the Federal Government. The increase
reflects the State's matching share.

In addition, the Executive proposes to maintain an appropriation of 
$117,000 from the Clean Water/Clean Air Implementation Fund to support
personnel costs associated with the air quality purpose of the 1996 
Clean Water/Clean Air Bond Act.  

Article VII Legislation

The Governor proposes Article VII legislation authorizing the use of 
Federal POCR funds for energy efficiency and conservation programs.  
Additionally, the Executive proposes Article VII language authorizing
the use of utility assessments collected pursuant to Section 18-a of 
the Public Service Law, to support the Authority's operations.

New York State Assembly
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